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Infinitives related Questions and Answers general English series #9

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Infinitives related Questions and Answers

11. Don’t try —— rich by questionable means.
A. became
B. to become
C. to be become
D. becoming


12. Children are clever enough —– languages easily.
A. pick up
B. picked up
C. to pick up
D. to picked up


13. I want you —— the work in an hour.
A. to complete
B. to be complete
C. to completion
D. to completed


14. No one wants —— any opportunity of going abroad.
A. miss
B. to miss
C. to missed
D. to be missed


15. The speaker wants all —— of him.
A. listened
B. to listen
C. to be listening
D. listening


16. Kings in the past fought with one another —— their territories.
A. expand
B. to expand
C. expanding
D. expanded


17. They are generous —— Rs.50,000 towards the flood relief fund.
A. to donate
B. donate
C. donated
D. donating


18. It is advisable —– by train as it is safe.
A. go
B. gone
C. to go
D. to be gone


19. Try —- the work before sunset.
A. complete
B. completion
C. completing
D. to complete


20. You are ill and so I advise you —– a doctor.
A. see
B. to see
C. seeing
D. to saw


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