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Top 5 Must Have Tools for College Students

3 years ago 976 Views

Nowadays, many students are struggling with several things. They need to be productive in order to perform well and secure good grades. They try hard to manage all their school work, side projects and to get time to spend with their loved ones. They continuously search for the apps and programs that can help them to maintain balance in their social and college life. Here we have created a list of beneficial tools.

Tools For College Students

  • LibreOffice

Since you are a college student, you know it well how much different software and apps you need to perform better. You have to create your assignments, work on presentations, prepare quizzes, and many more things. Many of you think they need separate tools to complete their tasks. This is where LibreOffice helps students. This single app can assist you in different ways; for instance, one can produce professional-looking and proper documents of any type, including marketing presentation, brochures, letters, financial reports, and many other tasks.

  • SodaPDF

Each student can understand the pain of merging different files to make a single document. We all know students have a hectic routine; they hardly get time for themselves, and merging files consumes a lot of time. They always look for easy ways to do this job. If you feel you are struggling with the same situation, you need to install sodapdf to save your time. Moreover, this helps you to convert your PDF files to HTM, MS Office, and more. One can easily edit images and text and share documents with others.

  • Zotero

Zotero is helpful for all students when they come to manage the library and collect articles. This actually saves students on time they can easily access any article with the help of this tool and even can save it. Zotero solves the problems of students who struggle with collecting data for writing projects, presentations, and exam preparations. It works on PC, Linux, and Mac. It makes it easy to attach PDFs, collect research papers, and find relevant articles in the library.

  • DeepDyve

Being a high school student is not an easy job. It demands both time and money. For instance, to complete a single writing project, students need to quote other writers' works. For this, renting articles from a single publisher is not enough. And if one does not have access to a proxy or not affiliated with university getting a complete-text version of articles is way too expensive. DeepDyve makes this process much easier and affordable. You know well a single abstract is not enough to get an entire article, and having an account with DeepDyve gets students to access the full article for at least five minutes a day, or you can pay a few dollars for a better experience.

  • Audio Notetaker

Attending lectures and taking notes is a more significant part of every student’s life. And they know the ever-present dilemma: attending lectures and trying to take notes. Audio Notetaker is something that brings an end to this plight. This tool helps to record the live lectures, skype calls, interviews, and even online discussion.  

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