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Q: If 78K928L is divisible by 6, then which of the following can Q and R take ?

  • 1
    K=2 & L=3
  • 2
    K=1 & L=4
  • 3
    K=1 & L=2
  • 4
    K=3 & L=3
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Answer : 2. "K=1 & L=4"
Explanation :

Answer: B) K=1 & L=4 Explanation: As per divisibility rule a number is divisible by 6 means it should be divisible by 2 and 3 case 1 : the divisibility rule for 2 is the number should be end with even number in this case R =2 & R=4 case 2 : The divisibility rule for 3 is the sum of numbers should be divisible by 3so if we take option (2) Q=1 & R=4 the sum is 39 if we take option (3) Q=1 & R=2 the sum is 37 So Option (2) is correct 39 is divided by 3

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