Doctors, Fathers, Mothers
468 0 646613b8c899b466f4566414In a group of 100 people, 50 people like to eat Chicken and 25 people like to eat both Chicken and Mutton. Everyone in the group likes at least one of the two. How many people like mutton only -
1.3K 0 619b8b3777d3000fe534a2ebIn a hall of 80 members, 45 members like Lavani, 55 members like Tamasha, 10 members like neither of the two. Then the number of members in the hall who both like is -
943 0 619b891a0e1b7c0fc6032d8bWhich Venn diagram correctly illustrates the relationship between the following?
A car
B Park
C Satellite
3.2K 0 5db29a8efd5a324b383a42ab