GK Practice Question and Answer
8 Q: Which Indian state has the least literacy rate?
58914 615d932b72c263b979273f388b
5d932b72c263b979273f388b- 1Bihartrue
- 2Rajasthanfalse
- 3Arunachal Pradeshfalse
- 4Orissafalse
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Answer : 1. "Bihar"
Q: Which language is spoken in Karnataka?
55880 05f4cba2945d1e6391eb96197
5f4cba2945d1e6391eb96197- 1Marathifalse
- 2Hindifalse
- 3Malayalamfalse
- 4Kannadatrue
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Answer : 4. "Kannada"
Q: 6 months day and 6 months night - Country Name? 43141 05b5cc642e4d2b4197774bb3e
5b5cc642e4d2b4197774bb3e- 1Nepalfalse
- 2Tibetfalse
- 3Norwaytrue
- 4Icelandfalse
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Answer : 3. "Norway"
Explanation :
Answer: C) Norway Explanation: The case where there is 6 months day, and 6 months night could only happen on poles because The Earth is tilted on its axis. The pole which is away (opposite direction of sun) from the Sun remains in complete darkness till it comes in front of the sun. So we conclude that, countries at the poles have 6 months day, and 6 months night. So countries close to these region have such cases like, Alaska, Antarctica, Norway etc. Norway, the northernmost inhabited region of Europe, there is no sunset from approximately 19 April to 23 August. The extreme sites are the poles, where the sun can be continuously visible for half the year. The North Pole has midnight sun for 6 months from late March to late September.
Q: What is the chief source of political power in India?
32491 15dc109886d7b0b6e744ee974
5dc109886d7b0b6e744ee974- 1The peopletrue
- 2The Constitutionfalse
- 3The Parliamentfalse
- 4The Parliament and State Legislaturesfalse
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Answer : 1. "The people"
Explanation :
In any democracy, the people are the source of every type of political power. This is a fundamental principle of democracy. In such a system of governance, people rule themselves through the institutions of Swaraj. In a proper democratic government, due respect is given to diverse groups and opinions of the society.
Q: Which one of the following plants is popularly grown along the road for absorbing vehicular pollutants?
32416 155d42bc78d66e3242ff1b6415
5d42bc78d66e3242ff1b6415- 1Neriumfalse
- 2Neemfalse
- 3Bougainvilleatrue
- 4Calotropisfalse
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Answer : 3. "Bougainvillea"
Explanation :
Q: What program is used in MS - Word to check the spellings?
27681 05eafc7434c5c6a1e28cd35a6
5eafc7434c5c6a1e28cd35a6- 1Spell profalse
- 2Spell checktrue
- 3Outlook expressfalse
- 4All of the abovefalse
- 5None of thesefalse
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Answer : 2. "Spell check "
Q: A world wide web contains web pages 26808 05b5cc642e4d2b4197774bb39
5b5cc642e4d2b4197774bb39- 1residing in many computers linked together using HTML.true
- 2with links to other web pages.false
- 3residing in many computers.false
- 4created using HTML.false
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Answer : 1. "residing in many computers linked together using HTML."
Explanation :
Answer: A) residing in many computers linked together using HTML. Explanation: A world wide web contains web pages residing in many computers linked together using HTML.
Q: The smallest unit of data in computer is ________________
23653 35dc3c0ecee5d9e2ea2b71da5
5dc3c0ecee5d9e2ea2b71da5- 1Bytefalse
- 2Nibblefalse
- 3Bittrue
- 4KBfalse
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