Account and Finance Questions Practice Question and Answer
8 Q: Which of these institutions fixes the Repo Rate and the Reverse Repo Rate in India?
600 062be9c091d322d793f527a72
62be9c091d322d793f527a72- 1Reserve Bank of Indiatrue
- 2Comptroller and Auditor General of Indiafalse
- 3Ministry of Financefalse
- 4State Bank of Indiafalse
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Answer : 1. "Reserve Bank of India"
Q: Which of the following banks has launched a new product to provide a short-term working capital demand loan to its MSME clients?
607 062ecdac355c5be5841eb0fcc
62ecdac355c5be5841eb0fcc- 1SBItrue
- 2ICICIfalse
- 3Axis Bankfalse
- 4HDFC Bankfalse
- 5Yes Bankfalse
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Answer : 1. "SBI"
Explanation :
State Bank of India today said it has launched a new product to provide short-term working capital demand loans to its MSME clients.
Q: While computing National Income estimates, which of the following is required to be observed?
457 06513d92c56a7b2508cb93ecf
6513d92c56a7b2508cb93ecf- 1The value of exports to be added and the value of imports to be subtractedtrue
- 2The value of exports to be subtracted and the value of imports to be addedfalse
- 3The value of both exports and imports to be addedfalse
- 4Thevalue of both exports and imports to be subtractedfalse
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Answer : 1. "The value of exports to be added and the value of imports to be subtracted"
Explanation :
National Income of a country can be defined as the total market value of all final goods and services produced in the economy in a year. In expenditure method, the National Income is measured by adding up the four flows, - namely C, I, G, X and M.
Thus, Y = C+1+G + (X-M) + (X- M) Where,
C = Total consumption expenditure
I = Total investment expenditure
G = Total government expenditure
X = Export,
M = Import
Q: Which one of the following is not included while estimating National Income through income method?
451 06513d88ccb11fc5036eb8cf5
6513d88ccb11fc5036eb8cf5- 1Rentfalse
- 2Mixed Incomefalse
- 3Pensionfalse
- 4Undistributed Profitstrue
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Answer : 4. "Undistributed Profits"
Explanation :
Income method measures National Income from the side of payments made to the primary factor of production for their productive services in an accounting year.
The components of factor income are (i) Employee’s Compensation, (ii) Profit, (iii) Rent, (iv) Interest, (v) Mixed income and (vi) Royalty.
Profit, rent, interest and other mixed income are jointly known as operating surplus.
Q: Which of the following is deducted from NNP to arrive at NI?
423 06513d7d37335765064719e55
6513d7d37335765064719e55- 1Indirect taxtrue
- 2Capital consumption allowancefalse
- 3Subsidyfalse
- 4Interestfalse
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Answer : 1. "Indirect tax"
Explanation :
The difference between Gross National Product and Depreciation is called Net National Product (NNP). NNP at factor cost is the net output evaluated at factor prices. It includes income earned by factor of production through participation in the production process, such as wages and salaries, rents, profits etc.
It is also called National Income. NNPFC = NNPmp – Indirect taxes
+ Subsidies = National Income. But now NNPMP is National Income
Q: Which one of the following is the most appropriate reason for inequalities in income?
418 06513d6c7cb11fc5036eb8684
6513d6c7cb11fc5036eb8684- 1Racial factorsfalse
- 2Lack of opportunitiestrue
- 3Inheritance from family environmentfalse
- 4Differences in abilityfalse
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Answer : 2. "Lack of opportunities"
Explanation :
In India, on the one hand, Per Capita Income is low and on the other hand, there is large inequality in the distribution of wealth and income, according to Human Development Reports. Lack of opportunity means that its most valuable assets its people is not being fully used. It is appropriate reason of income gap.
Q: Per Capita Income is equal to–
413 06513d63b10a18f508203e074
6513d63b10a18f508203e074- 1National Income/Total population of the countrytrue
- 2National Income + Populationfalse
- 3National Income - Populationfalse
- 4National Income x Populationfalse
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Answer : 1. "National Income/Total population of the country "
Explanation :
The average income of the people of a country in a particular year is called Per Capita Income for that year. So, it is National Income divided by population.
Per Capita Income
= National Income/Total population of the country
Though Per Capita Income is more reliable than GNP for many particular purpose.
Q: National Income is also called as–
411 06513d59656a7b2508cb933bf
6513d59656a7b2508cb933bf- 1GNP at factor costfalse
- 2GNP at market pricefalse
- 3NNP at factor costfalse
- 4NNP at market pricetrue
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Answer : 4. "NNP at market price"
Explanation :
Initially NNPFC was known as National Income but Now NNPMP is known as National Income.