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Looking to ace partnership questions quiz on competitive exams? Dive into our curated quiz designed to test your understanding of partnership concepts. From profit sharing to investment ratios, our questions will challenge your knowledge and help you sharpen your problem-solving skills.
We study business partners and their deals in partnership. The business started by two or more people is often controlled by an agreement or a contract. These business contracts are called a partnership. In this blog, I am providing answers related to partnership questions for bank exams which are necessary for your exams.
Most of the students have the question that how to solve partnership problems for competitive exams. If you have also the same question in your mind, you can learn here.
Partnership is one of the important topics covered in Mathematics section from the point of view of competitive exam. Generally, in partnership, the share of business and profit and loss are divided among the company partners in the form of ratio, which is not easy. So students need maximum practice in solving partnership questions and answers.
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P, Q and R share the profit in a business in the ratio of 1/4, 1/6 and 7/12. Due to some reason, R takes retirement. What will be the new profit sharing ratio for P and Q if they retain their old ratios in the new shares of profit?
717 0 64f8435fa910aab8f9ffc45c- 12:3false
- 23:2true
- 35:3false
- 41:2false
- 52:5false
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Answer : 2 3:2
A started a business with a certain capital. After 3 months A left the business and B joins the business and remains in business. If the ratio of the profit at the end of the year is 5: 6 and the initial investment of A is Rs. 6000, then the investment of B is
533 0 64e5f23213f72deddce4b37f- 1Rs. 1800false
- 2Rs. 2400true
- 3Rs. 3600false
- 4Rs. 4800false
- 5None of thesefalse
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Answer : 2 Rs. 2400
A, B and C together invests ₹53,000 in a business. A invests ₹5,000 more than B and B ₹invests 6,000 more than C. Out of a total profit of ₹31,800, find the share of A.
585 0 64ccdb5742082e8c9b8d8aa0- 1₹12,800false
- 2₹12,500false
- 3₹13,500false
- 4₹13,800true
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Answer : 4 ₹13,800
- 1₹16840, ₹44188, ₹92686false
- 2₹16048, ₹48144, ₹96288true
- 3₹16042, ₹14842, ₹9862false
- 4₹15000, ₹13423, ₹7562false
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Answer : 2 ₹16048, ₹48144, ₹96288
Three partner A, B and C started a business by investing Rs. 48000 each. after 6 months, A left the business after 10 months B left the business and after 12 months C left the business. If total earned profit is Rs. 5250, then find the share of A, B and C?
642 0 6401dc1051b71771391f92e4- 1₹ 1125, ₹1825, ₹2250false
- 2₹1125, ₹1800, ₹2200false
- 3₹1125, ₹1875, ₹2250true
- 4₹1175, ₹1256, ₹2350false
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