When does Time Bomb happen?
600 063ecd39e3c221e1b4dce5a32it can be programmed to activate during a particular date or time, making it a significant threat if it goes undetected until the specified trigger conditions are met. Time bombs are often used by attackers to initiate their malicious activities at a specific moment, adding an element of surprise and making it difficult to prevent or mitigate the damage.
Delayed payload of some virus is called-
935 063ecd3f90fa4111f87e15e1bIn the context of computer viruses or malware, a time bomb is a type of malicious code that is programmed to execute a harmful action at a specific date and time or after a certain period has elapsed. This delayed activation makes it challenging to detect and prevent the attack until it's too late.
Which computer virus records every movement you make on the computer?
1633 163bfed2d74eba5069d5bfa4aA keylogger (short for keystroke logger) is a type of computer virus or malware that records every keystroke and movement made on a computer's keyboard, including sensitive information such as passwords, credit card numbers, and personal messages. It essentially captures the user's keystrokes without their knowledge and sends this information to the attacker, posing a significant security threat.
What is the name of those viruses which fool a user into downloading or executing them by pretending to be useful applications?
602 063e62957e6cd351b75ec9ba5The virus that spreads in application software is called -
927 063e628a1cc37d41b3f99b6fbHow does Le-Hard Virus come into existence?
1765 063e6283ee6cd351b75ec9996