General Awareness Practice Question and Answer
8 Q: Who wrote "Unhappy India"?
16719 65d78bc4d0c830b6303af19c5
5d78bc4d0c830b6303af19c5- 1Bal Gangadhar Tilakfalse
- 2Lala Lajpat Raitrue
- 3Surrendranath Banerjeefalse
- 4Dadabhai Naorojifalse
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Answer : 2. "Lala Lajpat Rai"
Explanation :
(B) Lala Lajpat Rai
"Unhappy India" was written by Lala Lajpat Rai, a prominent Indian author and politician who played a significant role in the Indian independence movement. The book was published in 1928 and addressed various issues and challenges facing India during that time, expressing concerns about the impact of British colonial rule.
Q: The Constitution of India came into effect from?
7230 05d42b23f57579c3e8f509481
5d42b23f57579c3e8f509481- 115 January, 1950false
- 226 January, 1950true
- 315 August, 1950false
- 415 January, 1950false
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Answer : 2. "26 January, 1950"
Explanation :
1. The Constituent Assembly passed the Constitution of India on November 26, 1949, but it came into force on January 26, 1950. India came into existence as a Republic on January 26, 1950.
2. The Constituent Assembly was established on December 9, 1946, to frame the Constitution of India. There were a total of 389 members in the Constituent Assembly, out of which 299 members were from the Indian National Congress. The Constituent Assembly drafted the Constitution in 2 years, 11 months and 18 days.
3. The Constitution of India is a written constitution. It is the longest-written constitution in the world. It consists of 395 articles, 8 schedules and 12 schedules. The Constitution sets out the structure, powers and functions of the Government of India. It also ensures the rights and freedoms of the citizens.
Q: Chichen Itza is located in which country?
3481 15d7895ad9b43216ae13b237e
5d7895ad9b43216ae13b237e- 1Mexicotrue
- 2United Statesfalse
- 3Chilefalse
- 4Argentinafalse
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Answer : 1. "Mexico"
Explanation :
Chichen Itza is located in (A) Mexico.
Chichen Itza is a famous archaeological site and ancient city located in the Yucatán Peninsula of Mexico. It was a major center of the Maya civilization and is renowned for its well-preserved pyramid, known as El Castillo. Chichen Itza is recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is one of the most visited archaeological sites in Mexico, attracting tourists and researchers interested in exploring the rich history and architecture of the Maya people.
Q: Who releases the Human Development Report?
1761 25d776dc4315eb75b1463b8a1
5d776dc4315eb75b1463b8a1- 1World bankfalse
- 2World economic forumfalse
- 3United Nationstrue
- 4UNCTADfalse
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Answer : 3. "United Nations"
Explanation :
The Human Development Report (HDR) is released by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The report is an annual publication that measures and analyzes various aspects of human development, including factors such as life expectancy, education, and income. It aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the state of human development globally and to stimulate dialogue and policy changes to improve human well-being.
Q: When is the Hiroshima Day observed?
3983 25d7767d613ddea5af6344b01
5d7767d613ddea5af6344b01- 1August 5false
- 2August 4false
- 3August 6true
- 4August 3false
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Answer : 3. "August 6"
Explanation :
Hiroshima Day is an annual observance held on August 6 to commemorate the atomic bombing of Hiroshima by the United States in 1945. The bombing killed over 140,000 people and left hundreds of thousands more injured.
Q: The correct sequence of assurances given in the Preamble of the of India Constitution is:
2116 36171a279ff461e6fa17c5902
6171a279ff461e6fa17c5902- 1Justice, Equality, Fraternity, Libertyfalse
- 2Liberty, Equality, Justice, Fraternityfalse
- 3Justice, Liberty, Equality, Fraternitytrue
- 4Equality, Liberty, justice, fraternityfalse
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Answer : 3. "Justice, Liberty, Equality, Fraternity"
Q: A compass always points to 2649 25b5cc60ae4d2b4197774b572
5b5cc60ae4d2b4197774b572- 1Northfalse
- 2Magnetic northtrue
- 3Magnetic Southfalse
- 4Southfalse
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Answer : 2. "Magnetic north"
Explanation :
Answer: B) Magnetic north Explanation: Wherever on earth we hold a compass, the needle points towards the magnetic North Pole. A compass is a great tool for navigation. Compass is widely used in aircrafts, ships, military services,...
Q: Gujarat government has recently announced to change the name of Dragon Fruit?
2161 360af5e70149ce93547b0bea9
60af5e70149ce93547b0bea9- 1Gulab fruitfalse
- 2Marigold fruitfalse
- 3Kamalam Fruittrue
- 4Sunflower fruitfalse
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