Study Plan for SSC CGL Exam: Yearly Plan to Follow for Success

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Study plan for SSC CGL

Staff Selection Commission Combined Graduate Level Examination is conducted every year in order to recruit candidates for various Group B and C posts in various departments of the Government of India The examination is one of the most popular examinations after UPSC in India and lakhs of candidates appear for the examination every year to get the coveted government job.

Given the rigorous selection process involving four stages and the stiff competition, it is very important to prepare well in advance so that you are well aware of all the facets of the examination and be ready for any kind of situation. It always hard to prepare for SSC exams at home without guidance or coaching. But here you can get effective tips on how to prepare for SSC exam at home. In this article, I am going to provide you with a yearly study plan for SSC CGL to guide you on this journey which will lead you to get a government job.

An Ideal Study Plan for SSC CGL 2019!!

Let’s discuss the study plan for the SSC CGL 2019 exam but before that, you need to understand the exam pattern and syllabus of the exam. The SSC CGL exam recruitment process consists of four-tier exams:

  1. Tier I: Objective type paper of 200 marks
  2. Tier II: Objective type paper of 400 marks 
  3. Tier III: Descriptive English 
  4. Tier IV: Data Entry Test, Typing Test, Computer Proficiency Test, Document Verification, etc. 

The examination is mainly based on the following subjects:

  • English with Descriptive Test 
  • Quantitative Aptitude 
  • Reasoning Ability
  • General Awareness

English with Descriptive Test:

SSC CGL Examination generally consists of vocabulary and grammar both in English. You need to have a strong knowledge of grammar but at the same time, you should have knowledge about words and their applications. English consists of the following chapters in SSC CGL:

English Language Syllabus
  • Voice
  • Narration
  • Idioms and Phrases 
  • Clauses
  • Error Spotting
  • Fill in the Blanks
  • Spelling Error
  • Cloze Test 
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Synonyms and Antonyms 
  • One Word Substitution
  • Homonyms
  • Paragraph Rearrangement 
  • Essay Writing
  • Letter Writing 
  • Précis Writing

Quantitative Aptitude:

 Along with English, this is another section i..e. Numerical Aptitude which is common in Tier I and Tier II Examinations. This section has the following chapters:

Numerical Aptitude Syllabus
  • Profit and Loss 
  • Average and Proportion
  • Mixture and Alligation 
  • Time and Work
  • Time and Distance
  • Simplification
  • Linear Algebra 
  • Number System
  • Simple and Compound Interest 
  • Mensuration (Both 2-D and 3-D figures)
  • Trigonometry 
  • Geometry (Properties of Triangles, Rectangles, Circles, Squares, Parallelograms, Trapeziums etc.)
  • Data Interpretation (Bar Graph, Histogram, Line Chart, Pie Charts etc.)

    Reasoning Ability:

    Compared to all the sections, Reasoning Ability is the easiest of all and if prepared properly, it can fetch you even full marks in the examination. But, it is the most time-consuming subject after Quant section so, you need to be careful, not to waste your time. However, it is there only in the Tier I examination. The syllabus of this section has the following chapters:

    Logical Reasoning Syllabus
  • Coding and Decoding 
  • Ranking and Direction Test 
  • Analogy (number and letter-based)
  • Number Series and Letter series 
  • Clock related problems
  • Puzzles and Seating Arrangement 
  • Syllogism 
  • Jumbled Words 
  • Logical Order and dictionary related problems 
  • Matrix 
  • Venn Diagram related problems
  • Non-Verbal Reasoning

    General Awareness:

    This section is there only in the Tier-I examination but it is very important to ace this section so that you can score more than 160 in the Tier-I examination, which will help you further in the whole scheme of the examination. This is the vastest section in terms of the syllabus. In SSC Examination, the GA section has the following chapters:

    • History (Ancient Indian History, Medieval Indian History and Modern Indian History along with Indian Freedom Struggle)
    • Geography (Physical Geography such as atmosphere, solar system, climate, ocean current and Indian Geography such as physical properties, climate, natural vegetation, irrigation and agriculture, minerals etc.)
    • Indian Polity (Indian Constitution such as the articles, lists and schedules, important amendments)
    • Economics (Basic Concepts of Economics such as GDP, GNP, National Income, Micro and Macro Economy etc. along with Indian Economy such as Economic Features, SEBI, RBI, PFRDA, IRDAI etc.)
    • Physics (Light and its properties, sound and its properties, units and measurement, gravitational force, viscosity and surface tension, Electronics, Laws of Motion etc.)
    • Chemistry (Atoms and Molecules, metals and non-metals, solid and liquid and gas with related laws, carbon and its compounds, nuclear reactions, periodic table properties etc.)
    • Biology (Human body and anatomy, vitamins and related diseases, plants and their parts, virus and bacteria, cells and cell structure, tissues etc.
    • Current events of national and international importance 
    • Static GK such as international organizations, currency and capitals of countries, important days, national parks and wildlife sanctuaries, rivers and dams, thermal power plants etc. 

    Monthly Study Plan of SSC CGL 2018 for Easy Success

    Month 1


    English Language

    Reasoning Ability

    Quantitative Aptitude

    General Awareness


    Scrutiny of Previous 5 years papers of Tier I and Tier II along with understanding the whole syllabus for the examination




    Month 2


    English Language

    Reasoning Ability

    Quantitative Aptitude

    General Awareness


    Basic Rules of Grammar (Parts of Speech, Tenses)

    Coding and Decoding, Ranking and Direction, Number and Letter Series

    Number System, Surds and Indices, Profit and Loss (Include practice)

    History (Ancient India)


    Basic Rules of Grammar (Voice and Narration, phrases and clauses etc.)

    Non-Verbal Reasoning (Mirror Image, Water Image and hidden image, Paper Cutting, Analogy of figures and Miscellaneous etc.)

    Ages and averages problems, ratio and proportion


    Basic Rules of Grammar (Articles, Participles and gerunds etc.)

    Revision of the topics of the week (Focus on practice more)

    Revision of the topics (Focus on practice)

    History (Medieval India)


    Revision of all the topics with special focus on exceptions in any rule of grammar

    Month 3


    English Language

    Reasoning Ability

    Quantitative Aptitude

    General Awareness


    Reading Comprehension (First Focus on Technique of solving the problems and then practice passages based on stories or the economy or social issues)

    Matrix-based problems

    Time and Work & Time and Distance 

    Revision (Ancient Indian History)


    Clock based problems

    Mixture and Alligation, Pipe and Cistern

    Revision (Medieval Indian History)


    Revision of all the topics (Focus on practice)


    Indian Freedom Struggle


    Revision of the topics (Include practice involving tricky areas of the chapters covered so far)

    Month 4


    English Language

    Reasoning Ability

    Quantitative Aptitude

    General Awareness


    Fill in the Blanks (Focus on Practice)

    Seating Arrangement (Linear)

    Mensuration (Both 2-D and 3-D figures along with the revision of the same)

    Geography – solar system, rivers, glaciers, volcanoes, atmospheric layers, climate, ocean currents etc. 


    Para Formation Questions (With Practice)


    Seating Arrangement (Circular)

    Indian Geography – Physical Properties, Climate, Soil and Natural Vegetation, Irrigation and Agriculture, minerals etc. 


    Revision of the topics

    Month 5


    English Language

    Reasoning Ability

    Quantitative Aptitude

    General Awareness


    Cloze Test (Understanding the concept and practice)

    Puzzles (Only one variable)

    Geometry (Theorems and their applications related to triangles, squares, trapeziums, parallelograms, circles and tangents etc.)

    Economics – Basic theory of Economics, GDP, GNP, Per Capita Income, National Income etc. along with unemployment theory, inflation and CPI, WPI etc. 


    Puzzles (Multiple variables)

    Features of Indian Economy – Planning Commission and NITI Ayog, Sectors of Indian Economy, Unemployment, Five Year Planning etc. 


    One Word Expressions and Homonyms (Along with revision)


    Revision with special focus on practice 

    Trigonometry (Angles and radian, Height and Distance problems)

    Monetary and Financial System of the country – RBI as monetary authority, SEBI as capital market regulator, IRDAI as insurance sector regulator etc. apart from other organizations in this sphere 

    Month 6


    English Language

    Reasoning Ability

    Quantitative Aptitude

    General Awareness


    Basics of Error Spotting (Understanding the common mistakes in English Grammar such subject-verb agreement, tense, number etc.) 

    Blood Relations, Venn Diagram related problems etc. 

    Linear Algebra with the  common formulae with practice questions

    Indian Polity –Preamble, Fundamental Rights and Fundamental Duties, Directive Principles of State Policy along with facts about the Indian Constitution


    Basics of Error Spotting (Advanced level mainly with the exceptions in any rule)

    Series (Number, letter and also mixed), dictionary words, Analogy etc. 

    Quadratic Equations, Polynomial Functions etc. 

    Indian Constitution – Powers of the President and the Vice President, Prime Minister and Council of Ministers, Chief Minister of a state and the Governor of the states etc. 



    Formation of words and jumbled words related problems

    Practice Sessions of the chapters already covered so far 

    Indian Constitution – Indian Judiciary, Powers of Central Government and State Governments, Local Governance, Right to Education etc. 



    Revision of all the chapters of the month (With special Focus on practice)

    Indian Constitution: Amendments to the Constitution along with schedules and parts of the constitution, Emergency Provisions (Articles 352,356 and 360), Centre-state relations etc. 

    Month 7


    English Language

    Reasoning Ability

    Quantitative Aptitude

    General Awareness


    Spellings of Confusing Words

    Syllogism (Understanding the various types of questions that come in this chapter) 

    Data Interpretation (Bar Charts, Line Graphs, Histograms, Pie Charts etc.)

    Physics – S.I. Units of various quantities, Laws of Motion, Laws of Gravity, Solid, liquid and gas laws, light and its properties, sound and its properties, Electronics such as resistance, electric current, waves, thermodynamics, optics and heat, freezing point and boiling point etc. 


    Idioms and their meanings along with application 


    Revision of the chapters 

    Practice questions on Syllogism 

    Practice of Data Interpretation Questions (Simple as well as mixed ones)


    Month 8


    English Language

    Reasoning Ability

    Quantitative Aptitude

    General Awareness


    Misc. Grammar Items (With Practice)

    Revision (Start from your weak areas and focus mainly on practice of different levels of questions)

    Revision (Start from your weak areas and focus mainly on practice of different levels of questions)

    Chemistry – Atoms and Molecules, nuclear reactions, properties of the Periodic Table, chemical reactions, solution and its properties, diffusion and osmosis, carbon and its compounds etc. 


    Revision (Start from your weak areas and focus more on practice)



    Month 9


    English Language

    Reasoning Ability

    Quantitative Aptitude

    General Awareness


    Revision of various topics as per your SWOT analysis 

    Revision (Start from your weak areas and focus mainly on practice of different levels of questions)

    Revision (Start from your weak areas and focus mainly on practice of different levels of questions)

    Biology – Plants and their parts, animals and their classifications, human body and its functions, vitamins and their deficiency, virus and bacteria, cells and cell structure, tissues and their functions etc.  




    Writing Skill Development (Essay, Précis and letter writing)Current Events of national and international importance 

    Month 10


    English Language

    Reasoning Ability

    Quantitative Aptitude

    General Awareness


    Revision of various topics as per your SWOT analysis 

    Revision (Start from your weak areas and focus mainly on practice of different levels of questions)

    Revision (Start from your weak areas and focus mainly on practice of different levels of questions)

    Static GK – Countries and Currencies, Capitals, rivers and dams, power plants, important days, national and international organizations, national parks and wildlife sanctuaries, cities and nicknames etc. along with revision      




    Month 11


    English Language

    Reasoning Ability

    Quantitative Aptitude

    General Awareness


    Sectional Test of all the sections with more focus on your weak areas and also according to your strategy while writing the examination (Time should be kept in mind)


    In the last 15 days of the month, focus on the last 5 years’ question papers and solve them within the given time




    Month 12


    English Language

    Reasoning Ability

    Quantitative Aptitude

    General Awareness


    Full-Length Mock Tests (At least one per day)

    (First 15 days Tier II tests and last 15 days, only Tier I tests)





    SSC CGL is one of the toughest examinations to crack given the level of competition involved in the examination. Your best bet would be to understand the pattern and be prepared for the same by practically living the examination. It is necessary to put all your efforts in the preparation else you cannot gain the required confidence which is very important to qualify any competitive examination. 

    We have described the monthly study plan for one year for SSC CGL Exam. You need to follow it with full dedication and success will definitely be yours at the end. For further related queries, do comment us in the below-provided comment box.

    All the Best!!

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