Find the percentage (approximate) of the average sales of branches B2, B4 and B6 in the year 2001 to the average sales of branches B1, B3 and B5 in the year 2001.
845 0 6450e07f39143d085f375b8bThe following histogram shows the height of players of a basketball team of a school.
How many players have height less than 141 cm?
601 0 6450d85b39143d085f373d2eThe bar graph shows the number of passports issued in a country in 6 consecutive years.
What is the average number of passports issued per year?
680 0 6450cd6139143d085f370f7dThe table given below shows the cost price and selling price of four articles.
What is the average value of loss of all articles?
700 0 6450b2a7f3618908bf57165d