Top Study Tips for Creating College Essays

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Top Study Tips for Creating College Essays

Almost all college students dread the moment of the day when they must start writing on their essays, either because they find them boring or because they don’t know how to handle them. Whether you follow the given genre when writing `your essay or use an audience- or product-driven approach, you often worry that your work won’t be good enough.

Study Tips for Creating College Essays

No matter the avenue you decide to take, here are the top 6 tips that will make working on your college projects easier and help you craft fantastic papers.   

1. Understanding the Project:

Don’t just pick up your topic and start writing on it. You first need to ensure you fully understand your essay and broaden your perspective on it, keeping in mind the topic, context, and audience. If you don't build your relationship with the subject, you will not be able to cover it properly.

2. Do Your Research Properly:

The most important part of writing essays is usually the research. Try to find more than one point of view on your given subject. Research arguments and facts that support the topic, as well as opposing views, to be able to approach your essay as convincingly as possible and develop your ideas more effectively.

3. Use an Essay Writing Service:

If you’re still not sure you can get a good grade, you can look for reliable essay help on a website such as EssayWritingHelp.Pro and professional writers will provide you with all completed tasks. The right service provider can look over your project and correct any mistakes you might have made or even write your essay from scratch, according to your instructions.

4. You Need Coherent Structure and Flow:

You don’t want your essay to be just a bunch of random thoughts and ideas that seem to have accidentally landed on the paper from a multitude of alien planets. To gain a good grade, you need your essay to have a smooth flow, a coherent structure, and a compelling approach throughout.  Take notes separately, organize your ideas wisely and create a neat outline, always remembering that you need a proper intro, body, and conclusion.

5. Mind Your Grammar and Format:

No matter how good your ideas and arguments are, grammar errors, spelling mistakes or messy presentations can ruin everything for you. You must already know that image and first impressions are highly important in all aspects of life, not just college. If your teachers spot a grammar mistake in the title, for instance, they will already view your essay as sub-par or patched together in a hurry, before even getting to the body. This means you can usually say goodbye to the much craved A grade, even though you’ve worked so hard.

6. Learn to Edit Your Work the Smart Way:

Keeping in mind the previous point, you need to proofread and edit your essay as carefully as possible. The smart way to go about it is to never start editing as soon as you finish writing. This is because everything is still too fresh in your mind and your brain is most probably quite tired.

You will not only be unable to concentrate on grammar or spelling mistakes, but you will also be more biased, risking missing possible issues in your reasoning or factual errors. Take a break and edit when you're fresh. Take a break again and revise again – and so on, until you feel confident in the outcome.

The Purpose of Essay Writing

Do you ever think to yourself, "I wish someone else would just write my paper for me?"  Of course, you have- we all do. Essays are a fact of academic life practically as certain as death and taxes. Look on the bright side, when you think about essays that way, they don't seem so bad. Instead of sulking about a lengthy written assignment, have you ever stopped to think about why people are assigned to write essays? It's not to torture you- if anything, it's torture on the teacher who assigned the essay who has to grade them. Believe it or not, essays have a purpose, and it's a good ones.

Essays Encourage Original, Deep Thought:

The purpose of an essay about a book read in class, for example, is not just a test of whether or not you read the book or whether or not you understood the plot; an essay is supposed to challenge you to think on a deeper level. Sure, you have to have a basic comprehension of the plotline, the characters, themes, etc., but the goal is to push you to put everything you read together and then start asking questions. You should never be done reading a book when you finish the last page and set it down; you should ask yourself questions like how did the book make you feel? How does this book relate to your life or the world today? Can what you've learned from this book be applied to solve a problem? Perhaps you feel like a book is done when it's closed, but when you're assigned an essay, you have no choice but to ask yourself these deeper questions.

Essays Teach You How to Structure Your Thoughts and How to Argue:

Essays aren't exactly free-form poetry; they are highly stylized and structured and for a reason. The organization of paragraphs teaches you how to think and make decisions. First, you're presented with a fact: the topic sentence. Next, you're presented with supporting evidence that should support the original fact. Lastly, you are faced with a conclusion: why the idea presented is important, how it's relevant, and why the author thinks you should agree. It's this structure that ultimately leads to your making a decision. When you're the writer, you are the one trying to convince someone else that your view is the "right" view. So, if you think arguing that essays are pointless with your teacher is going to get you anywhere, you'll end up proving yourself wrong.

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