Error in Use of Gerund and Infinitive for Competitive Exam

Rajesh Bhatia2 years ago 11.3K Views Join Examsbookapp store google play
Infinitive Verb Rules

Infinitive (To + 1st form of verb)

1.Verbs such as learn, remember, promise, swear, consent, neglect, refuse, purpose, try, endeavor, attempt, fail, carfe, hope, decide, hesitate, prepare, determine, undertake, manage, arrange, seem, forget, agree, regret etc. are followed by infinitives.


We endeavor to invite such persons.

We promise to do this word soon.

2.Verbs such as order, tell, invite, oblige, allow, permit, compel, teach, instruct, advise, tempt, encourage, urge, request, show, remind, forbid, warm etc. are followed by object and infinitives.


The teacher instructed the students to go.

She told me to come there.

3. Verbs of expression like- will, can, do, must, may, let are followed by infinitive without to.


Let him do this work.

Let it be done.

4. Expressions like would rather, would sooner, rather than, sooner than, had better are followed by infinitive without to.


You had better tell him.

5. See can be used with infinitive or without it.


Go to see him.

Go and see him.

6. The infinitive is used after adjectives like delight, angry, glad, and astonished.


I was astonished to find him.

I was horrified to see the scene.

7. The verb knows is never directly followed by the infinitive. It is followed by a conjunction and then the infinitive.


Do you know to play the harmonium? (Wrong)

Do you know how to play the harmonium? (Right)

8 ……. had better is always followed by the infinitive without to.


You had better to stop taking the medicine which has harmful side effects. (Wrong)

You had better stop taking the medicine which has harmful side effects. (Right)

9. Infinitive is not used with to after verbs of perception like to see, to hear, to feel, to watch etc.


I saw him cross the street.

She heard her come downstairs.

10. Avoid using split-infinitive.


He planned to not go on a vacation this year. (Wrong)

He planned not to go on a vacation this year. (Right)

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    Rajesh Bhatia

    A Writer, Teacher and GK Expert. I am an M.A. & M.Ed. in English Literature and Political Science. I am highly keen and passionate about reading Indian History. Also, I like to mentor students about how to prepare for a competitive examination. Share your concerns with me by comment box. Also, you can ask anything at

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