Time and Distance (Objective Type Question for Competitive Exams) (Part C)

Rajesh Bhatia6 years ago 1.3K Views Join Examsbookapp store google play

Time and Distance

Q.41 Two men X and Y start from a place P, walking at 3km/ph and 4 km/ph. By how much distance apart they will be after 4 hours if they are walking in the same direction.

(A) 4km

(B) 3km

(C) 2km

(D) 1 km

Ans .  A

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Q.42 A monkey climbs a slippery pole 12 m height rises 1 m in every 1 minute and slips ½ meter in every next minute. Find how soon it will reach the top.

(A) 45 min

(B) 40 min

(C) 35 min

(D) 48 min

Ans .  A

Q.43 A man walks from P to Q at the rate of 5 miles/hours and return from Q to P at the rate of 3 miles/hour. What is the average rate of the whole journey?

(A) 3 ¾ miles/hr.

(B) 2 3/5 miles/hr.

(C) 3 5/7 miles/hr.

(D) none of these

Ans .  A

Q.44 Ratio of speed of three cars is 2: 3: 4. The ratio of time taken by these cars to travel the same distance is ….

(A) 2: 3: 4

(B) 3: 6: 4

(C) 6: 4: 3

(D) 4: 3: 6

Ans .  C

Q.45 A boy walks diagonally across square lot. What percent does he save by not walking along the edges (approximately)?

(A) 29

(B) 22

(C) 33

(D) 20

Ans .  A

Q.46 The wheel of the car with diameter 50 cm makes 576 revolutions per minute. The speed of the car must be…….

(A) 53.4 km/ph

(B) 46.5 km/ph

(C) 35.4 km/ph

(D) 64.3 km/ph

Ans .  A

Q.47 A walked from Bombay to Thane on foot. Had he walked one mph faster, he would have reached 2 ½ hrs. earlier; but if he had walked slower by 1 mph, he would have taken 5 hrs. more. The distance between Bombay and Thane is……

(A) 60 miles

(B) 40 miles

(C) 10 miles

(D) none of these

Ans .  D

Q.48 Walking at ¾th of its usual speed, a man is 1 ½ hrs. late. Find his usual travel time.

(A) 6 hrs.

(B) 4 hrs.

(C) 4 ½ hrs.

(D) none of these

Ans .  C

Q.49 A boats crew can row a 4 miles course in 20 min. in still water and in 16 min. with the tide. How long will it take to row the course against the tide?

(A) 30 min.

(B) 25 min.

(C) 80/3 min

(D) 160/3

Ans .  C

Q.50 A boat can be rowed 6 km/hrs. along the current and 4 km/hrs. against the current. Find the speed of the current.

(A) 1 km/ph

(B) 2 km/ph

(C) 5 km/ph

(D) none of these

Ans .  A

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    Rajesh Bhatia

    A Writer, Teacher and GK Expert. I am an M.A. & M.Ed. in English Literature and Political Science. I am highly keen and passionate about reading Indian History. Also, I like to mentor students about how to prepare for a competitive examination. Share your concerns with me by comment box. Also, you can ask anything at linkedin.com/in/rajesh-bhatia-7395a015b/.

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