Daily GK Questions and Answers

General Knowledge is a very important part of Competitive exams. In the GK section aspirants can cover many topics related to Indian History, Geography, Economics, Sports, World History, World Geography, etc. These types of questions are asked in every competitive exam under General Knowledge Section.
Daily GK Questions
Here, I am providing Daily GK Question Answers for those learners who are preparing for competitive exams. In this post, I have updated the most important questions answers around the world with the latest current affairs questions and answers about many topics covered.
I have prepared the Daily GK Questions and Answers blog to increase your GK level as well as increase your confidence level for competitive exams.
Daily GK Questions and Answers
Q1. India’s first ‘Smart Fence’ Pilot Project started with which country’s border?
(A) Pakistan
(B) Bangladesh
(C) Bhutan
(D) Nepal
Ans . A
Q2. Who has been appointed the new secretary of Central Vigilance Commission (CVC)?
(A) Shekhar Basu
(B) Rajendra Kumar
(C) Anindo Majumdar
(D) None of these
Ans . C
Q3. Who is the author of the book titled ‘Bastar Despatches’ - A passage through the wilds?
(A) Narendra
(B) Rajendra
(C) Kaushik
(D) None of these
Ans . A
Q.4 Which is the longest River in the World?
(A) Nile
(B) Ganga
(C) Yamuna
(D) Kaveri
Ans . A
Q.5 Which is the highest mountain peak in the world?
(A) Kamet
(B) Trisul
(C) Kangchenjunga
(D) Mount Everest
Ans . D
Q.6 Which is the Largest lake of the World?
(A) Lake Huron
(B) Caspian Sea
(C) Wular Lake
(D) Lake Victoria
Ans . B
Q.7 Which is the deepest lake of the world?
(A) Lake Baikal
(B) Caspian Lake
(C) Wular Lake
(D) Lake Victoria
Ans . A
Q.8 Which is the highest dam in the world?
(A) Jinping-I Dam
(B) Nurek Dam
(C) Guri Dam
(D) Three Gorges Dam
Ans . A
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