Narration Questions for Competitive Exams

English is an important subject under the syllabus in competitive examinations conducted in India. As you know, anything we say is a statement/speech, which is called narration in English grammar. We can present any narration in two ways. When someone's said statement is expressed in the same word, it is called direct speech. In a direct speech, any statement is placed in the middle of inverted commas, on the other hand, when someone's statement is expressed in their own words, it is called indirect speech. Also, Narration is the most popular topic of English grammar, which is included in almost all competitive examinations.
If you want to strengthen your English grammar and solve competitive exam questions, you should understand the narration. Here you can learn important questions based on narration with the help of this blog. They will also help in boosting your confidence and achieving goals.
Important Narration Questions with Answers
Q : Direction: In questions, a sentence has been given in Direct/Indirect. Out of the four alternatives suggested, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in Indirect/Direct and mark your answer in the Answer Sheet.
The old lady declared that she was going to walk where she pleased. They had the liberty.
(A) The old lady : "I was going to walk where I pleased. They have the liberty ".
(B) The told lady : " I am going to walk where I pleased . They had the liberty".
(C) The old lady said that , "I was going to walk where I pleased. They have the liberty ".
(D) The old lady : "I am going to walk where I please. We have the liberty".
Correct Answer : D
The karate teacher asked me why I had been absent the day before.
(A) The karate teacher asked me, "Why are you absent the day before ?"
(B) The karate teacher asked me, "Were you absent the day before?"
(C) The karate teacher asked me, "Why were you absent yesterday ?"
(D) The karate teacher asked me, "Why are you absent yesterday ?"
Correct Answer : C
Mr. Robinson asked his son what he wanted to be when he grew up.
(A) Mr. Robinson said , " My son, what did you want to be when you grew up ? "
(B) Mr. Robinson said , " My son , what would you be when you grow up ? "
(C) "My son, " said Mr. Robinson , " what will you be when you grow up ? ''
(D) "My son , " said Mr. Robinson , " what do you want to be when you grow up ? "
Correct Answer : D
In the question a sentence has been given in Direct/Indirect. Out of the four alternatives suggested, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in Indirect/Direct and mark your answer in the Answer Sheet.
Q :The boys respectfully wished their teacher good morning.
(A) "Good morning , Madam, " said the boys to the teacher.
(B) "Good morning , Madam, " said the boys to their teacher.
(C) "Good morning," said the boys to their teacher.
(D) "Good morning," said the boys to the teacher.
Correct Answer : B
She said, " I am sorry, I am not able to submit those papers ".
(A) She apologized for not being able to submit those papers.
(B) She exclaimed with sorrow that she was sorry and she will not be able to submit those papers.
(C) She said she was sorry , she is not able to submit those papers.
(D) She said that she was sorry and she will not be able to submit those papers.
Correct Answer : A
The girl wondered where the sparrows had gone.
(A) The girl said , "Oh ! Where had the sparrows gone?"
(B) The girl said , "Oh ,! where have the sparrows gone ?"
(C) The girl said , "Oh ! Where the sparrows have gone?"
(D) The girl said , "Oh ! Where are the sparrows?"
Correct Answer : B
Direction: In questions, a sentence has been given in Direct/Indirect. Out of the four alternatives suggested, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in Indirect/Direct and mark your answer in the Answer Sheet.
Q :She said to me, " I'm going shopping. Can I get you something? "
(A) She said she was going shopping and asked if she could get me something.
(B) She said she is going shopping and asked if she could get me something.
(C) She said she was going shopping and said to me if I wanted something.
(D) She said she was going shopping and asked if I wanted something.
Correct Answer : A
Direction: In questions, a sentence has been given in Direct/Indirect. Out of the four alternatives suggested, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in Indirect/Direct and mark your answer in the Answer Sheet.
Q :Mr. Ramesh informed his friend that he could make use of his car while he was away.
(A) Mr. Ramesh said to his friend , " You can make use of my car while I am away ?"
(B) Mr. Ramesh asked his friend , " Will you make use of my car while I am away ? "
(C) Mr. Ramesh said to his friend " You will make use of my car while I was away".
(D) Mr. Ramesh said to his friend, " Use my car while I go away ".
Correct Answer : C
Direction: In questions, a sentence has been given in Direct/Indirect. Out of the four alternatives suggested, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in Indirect/Direct and mark your answer in the Answer Sheet.
Q :Kala said to Radha, " Who were you speaking to over the phone? "
(A) Kala asked Radha that who she was speaking to over the phone.
(B) Kala asked Radha that who she had been speaking to over the phone.
(C) Kala asked Radha who she had been speaking to over the phone.
(D) Kala asked Radha who she has been speaking to over the phone.
Correct Answer : C
Direction: In questions, a sentence has been given in Direct/Indirect. Out of the four alternatives suggested, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in Indirect/Direct and mark your answer in the Answer Sheet.
Q :The king said to his men, "Do not be afraid of the enemy. Face them bravely."
(A) The king advised his men not to be afraid of the enemy but to face them bravely.
(B) The king told his men not to be afraid of the enemy and they had faced them bravely.
(C) The king ordered his men to not be afraid of the enemy and that they had to be faced bravely.
(D) The king asked his men to not be afraid of the enemy but they should be faced bravely.
Correct Answer : A