Profit Loss Questions with Answers for competitive exams

Vikram Singh4 years ago 12.9K Views Join Examsbookapp store google play
profit loss questions

Profit and loss is an important topic or chapter in mathematics that is based on the transaction. Profit loss questions are asks in SSC CGL, RRB, APL, etc bank exams. So, here I am giving you important profit loss questions and answers for your better performance and you can obtain good marks by practice these questions.

Profit-Loss Questions and Answers

Q.1. A shopkeeper gives 12% additional discount on the discount price, after giving an initial discount of 20% on the labelled price of a radio. If the final sale price of the radio is Rs. 704, then what is its labelled price?

(A) Rs. 844.80

(B) Rs. 929.28

(C) Rs. 1000

(D) Rs. 1044.80

Ans .   C

Q.2. A pair of articles was bought for Rs. 37.40 at a discount of 15%. What must be the marked price of each of the articles?

(A) Rs. 11

(B) Rs. 22

(C) Rs. 33

(D) Rs. 44

Ans .   B

Q.3. A fan is listed at Rs. 1500 and a discount of 20% is offered on the list price what additional discount must be offered to the customer to bring the net price to Rs. 1104?

(A) 8%

(B) 10%

(C) 12%

(D) 15%

Ans .   A

Q.4. A bag marked at Rs. 80 is sold for Rs.68. The rate of discount is :

(A) 12%

(B) 15%


(D) 20%

Ans .   B

Q.5. A discount of 15% on one article is the same as a discount of 20% on another article. The costs of the two articles can be:

(A) Rs. 40, Rs. 20

(B) Rs. 60, Rs. 40

(C) Rs. 80, Rs. 60

(D) Rs. 60, RS. 40

Ans .   C

Q.6. Garima purchased a briefcase with an additional 10% discount on the reduced price after deducting 20% on the labelled price. If the labelled price was Rs. 1400, at what price did she purchase the briefcase?

(A) Rs. 980

(B) Rs. 1008

(C) Rs. 1056

(D) Rs. 1120

(E) None of these

Ans .   B

Q.7. If the S.P of Rs. 24 results in a 20% discount on list price, what S.P would result in a 30% discount on list price?

(A) Rs. 18

(B) Rs. 20

(C) Rs. 21

(D) Rs. 27

Ans .   C

Q.8. If a company sells a car with a marked price of Rs. 2,72,000 and gives a discount of 4% on Rs. 2,00,000 and 2.5% on the remaining amount of Rs. 72,000, then the actual price charged by the company for the car is 

(A) Rs. 2,50,000

(B) Rs. 2,55,000

(C) Rs. 2,60,100

(D) Rs. 2,62,200

Ans .   D

Q.9. Jatin bought a refrigerator with 20% discount on the labelled price. Had he bought it with 25% discount, he would have saved Rs. 500. At what price did he buy the refrigerator?

(A) Rs. 5000

(B) Rs. 10,000

(C) Rs. 12,500

(D) Rs. 15,000

Ans .   B

Q.10. A shopkeeper offers 2.5% discount on cash purchase. What cash amount would Rohan pay for a cycle, the marked price of which is Rs. 650?

(A) Rs. 633.25

(B) Rs. 633.75

(C) Rs. 634

(D) Rs. 635

Ans .   B

If are facing any problem related to profit loss questions, you can ask me in the comment section without any hesitation. Visit on the next page for more practice.

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    Vikram Singh

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