Invention Questions and Answer

Inventions have shaped the course of human history, revolutionising the way we live, work, and interact with the world around us. From groundbreaking technological advancements to ingenious creations that enhance our daily lives, the realm of inventions is vast and ever-evolving. This comprehensive Invention Questions and Answers article aims to delve into the intriguing world of inventions, addressing frequently asked questions to provide a deeper understanding of their significance, creation process, and impact on society.
Invention Questions
In this article Invention Questions and Answer, we are providing the latest and most important Invention Questions and Answers related to latest and previous invention and inventor name for those aspirants who are preparing for upcoming competitive exams.
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Invention Questions and Answer
Who is associated with the invention of nylon?
(A) Louis Pasteur
(B) J. Nicephore Niepce
(C) John Corbutt
(D) Dr. Wallace H. Carothers
Correct Answer : D
Explanation :
Nylon was invented by Wallace Carothers, an American chemist, while he was working at the DuPont chemical company. Carothers and his team at DuPont successfully synthesized the first nylon, known as Nylon 6,6, in 1935. Nylon became the first commercially successful synthetic fiber and found wide-ranging applications in textiles and various industries.
Gunpowder was invented by?
(A) Roger Bacon
(B) Colt
(C) CV Raman
(D) Dr. Gatting
Correct Answer : A
Explanation :
Gunpowder is commonly credited to Chinese alchemists, and it is believed to have been discovered accidentally in the 9th century during experiments to find an elixir of immortality. While the exact inventor remains unclear, the use of gunpowder for military purposes spread during the subsequent centuries.
The option (A) Roger Bacon is also historically associated with gunpowder. Roger Bacon, an English philosopher and Franciscan friar in the 13th century, wrote about the composition of gunpowder, although it is debated whether he was the actual inventor.
Gunpowder is a mixture of saltpeter (potassium nitrate), charcoal, and sulfur. Its invention had a profound impact on military technology and warfare throughout history.
Who invented the vaccine for 'smallpox'?
(A) Sir Frederick Grant Banting
(B) Sir Alexander Fleming
(C) Edward Jenner
(D) Louis Pasteur
Correct Answer : C
Explanation :
The vaccine for smallpox was invented by Edward Jenner, an English physician, in 1796. Jenner's vaccine was developed using material from cowpox lesions, and the process became known as vaccination. His work laid the groundwork for the development of vaccines and vaccination as a method for preventing infectious diseases.
The first thermionic valve was invented by
(A) Thomas Edison
(B) Richardson
(C) J. A. Fleming
(D) Lead Forest
Correct Answer : C
Explanation :
The first thermionic valve, also known as a vacuum tube, was invented by John Ambrose Fleming. Fleming, a British electrical engineer, developed the vacuum tube in 1904. The device, called the Fleming valve or vacuum diode, was a crucial component in early electronics and telecommunications. It played a significant role in the development of radio technology, serving as a rectifier and amplifier. The vacuum tube was an essential invention that paved the way for the advancement of electronic systems and was widely used until the development of semiconductor technology.
Who discovered bacteria first?
(A) A.V. leeuwenhank
(B) Robert Hooke
(C) Robert Koch
(D) Louis Pasteur
Correct Answer : A
Explanation :
The discovery of bacteria is attributed to Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, a Dutch scientist, who observed bacteria using a simple microscope that he designed and built. In the 1670s, Leeuwenhoek made detailed observations of microorganisms, including bacteria, in samples from various sources. His pioneering work laid the foundation for the understanding of the microbial world.
Who discovered X-ray?
(A) W.C. roentgen
(B) Albert Einstein
(C) Samuel Cohen
(D) Edward Taylor
Correct Answer : A
Explanation :
Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen, a German physicist, discovered X-rays in 1895. While conducting experiments with cathode-ray tubes, he observed a new and mysterious form of radiation. Röntgen termed this radiation "X-rays" as their nature was initially unknown. He found that these rays could pass through various materials and create images of the internal structures of objects, including the bones of the human body.
Röntgen's discovery revolutionized medical imaging and had far-reaching implications in various scientific and technological fields. For his groundbreaking work, Röntgen was awarded the first Nobel Prize in Physics in 1901.
Who invented the electron microscope?
(A) deep and short
(B) Knoll and Ruska
(C) Farmer and Moore
(D) Johnson and Johnson
Correct Answer : B
Explanation :
The electron microscope was co-invented by Max Knoll and Ernst Ruska in 1931. This revolutionary microscopy technology uses a beam of electrons to achieve much higher resolution than that of traditional light microscopes, allowing scientists to visualize extremely small structures, including individual cells and even subcellular components. The invention of the electron microscope significantly advanced the field of microscopy, enabling researchers to explore the microscopic world in unprecedented detail.
Leprosy Bacillus was invented by
(A) Koch
(B) Hansen
(C) Fleming
(D) Harvey
Correct Answer : B
Explanation :
Gerhard Armauer Hansen, a Norwegian physician, is credited with the discovery of the bacterium that causes leprosy. In 1873, Hansen identified and described Mycobacterium leprae, the bacterium responsible for leprosy (also known as Hansen's disease). His discovery was a significant contribution to the understanding of the disease, enabling further research into its causes, transmission, and treatment.
Who discovered cement?
(A) Agasit
(B) Alberts Magnus
(C) Joseph Aspadin
(D) Jansien
Correct Answer : C
Explanation :
Joseph Aspdin, an English bricklayer and mason, is credited with the invention of modern Portland cement. In 1824, Aspdin patented a process for producing a hydraulic cement by burning finely ground limestone and clay together. The resulting product, which he named "Portland cement" due to its resemblance to Portland stone, became a key component in the construction industry.
Aspdin's innovation marked a significant development in the production of cement, and Portland cement remains the most widely used type of cement in the world for various construction applications.
Who discovered the North Pole?
(A) Amundson
(B) Robert Peary
(C) John Cobot
(D) Captain Cook
Correct Answer : B
Explanation :
The discovery of the North Pole is attributed to American explorer Robert Peary. On April 6, 1909, Peary, along with his assistant Matthew Henson and a team of Inuit guides, claimed to have reached the North Pole. Their expedition involved a combination of overland travel and sledging across the Arctic ice. While Peary's achievement has been debated and faced controversies, he is generally acknowledged as one of the first individuals to reach the North Pole, as per the records of his expedition.