SSC CHSL eligibility criteria 2018

Vikram Singh7 years ago 3.9K Views Join Examsbookapp store google play
SSC CHSL Eligibility Criteria

Hello candidates

If you are attending SSC CHSL exam then you should understand the SSC CHSL eligibility criteria. The CHSL eligibility criteria give you an idea which post is suitable while you apply for examination form. 

The eligibility criteria are different for every post, so you should check every factor of eligibility criteria before applying for any post through SSC CHSL Exam Notifications 2018.

In this blog, I am providing every single information about SSC CGL eligibility criteria 2018 that will help you to forward planning of SSC CGL exam.

SSC CHSL eligibility criteria 2018

Before attempting exam, you should have every minority knowledge about SSC CHSL eligibility criteria as well as SSC CHSL exam pattern and SSC CHSL syllabus

SSC CHSL eligibility criteria are basically divided into age eligibility, education eligibility, PWD (person with the disability) eligibility, nationality eligibility.

Candidate must have 10+2 (higher secondary) certificate or equivalent examination certificate from recognized board or university.

The age limit criteria are different for SC & ST, the ex-serviceman and other categories. 

1) Age limit criteria for SSC CHSL Exam:

As per SSC CHSL notification, the candidate should have the minimum age limit of 18 years and maximum age limit should be 27 years. A candidate age limit may be calculated on 1st August 2018.

Age Relaxation: 

SSC CHSL allows for age relaxation in few categories.

(1) The upper age relaxation for the candidates of ST/SC is 5 years.

(2) The upper age relaxation for the candidates of OBC is 3 Years.

(3) The upper age relaxation for the candidates of PH is 10 Years.

(4) The upper age relaxation for the ex-serviceman is 03 years after deduction of the military service rendered from the actual age as on the Closing date for receipt of application.

More details about the age relaxation are given below:

2) SSC CHSL Education Qualification Criteria:

Candidate must have passed 12 class from any recognized board. The candidate who wants to apply for DEO(Data Entry Operator) in C & AG of India (Comptroller and Auditor General) should have passed 12th class in Science with Mathematics as a subject from a recognized board or equivalent. 

3) Permissible disabilities for PWD (person with disabilities) Criteria:

Many PWD candidates are confused which post is suitable for them. Here is a detailed look at the SSC CHSL eligibility criteria for PWD candidates, so you can clear all your doubts about SSC CHSL eligibility. 

I) Eligibility Criteria for the Lower Division Clerk and Junior Secretariat Assistant post: 

The candidates who are disable for One arm affected (OA), Both legs affected (BL), One leg affected (OL), One arm and one leg affected (OAL), Low vision (LV) & Hearing Handicapped (HH) and Blind they are eligible for the posts of Lower Division Clerk and Junior Secretariat Assistant. 

II) Eligibility Criteria for the Postal Assistant and Sorting Assistant post:

The candidates who are disable for One leg affected (OL), One arm affected (OA), One arm one leg affected (OAL), Both legs affected but not Arms (BL), Muscular weakness and limited physical endurance (MW), Blind (B), Low vision (LV) and Hearing Handicapped (HH) they are eligible for the posts of Postal Assistant and Sorting Assistant. 

III) Eligibility Criteria for the post of data entry operators:

The candidates who are disabled for One arm affected (OA), One leg affected (OL), One arm and one leg affected (OAL), Both Legs affected (BL), Hearing Handicapped (HH) and Low Vision (LV) they are eligible for the posts of Data Entry Operators.

4) Nationality criteria for SSC CHSL Exam 

(a) The candidate should be an Indian citizen

(b) The candidate should be a subject of Nepal or

(c) The candidate should be a subject of Bhutan, or

(d) A Tibetan refugee who came over to India before 1st January 1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India, or

(e) A person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia and Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India.

Important Instruction about nationality criteria for SSC CHSL exam:

Candidates who are related to category (b), (c) (d) and (e) given above, they should have a certificate of eligibility issued by the Government of India. 

A candidate in whose case a certificate of eligibility is necessary may be admitted to the Examination but the offer of appointment will be given only after, the necessary eligibility certificate has been issued to him/ her by the Government of India.


In this blog, I have classified eligibility criteria into categories for a clear understanding of SSC CHSL eligibility 2018. Candidates can use these categories while filling SSC CHSL online application form 2018. 

Candidates are advised to keep the required eligibility criteria in mind while filling the examination form. 

If you have any query regarding SSC CHSL exam and eligibility criteria, you can comment us for more detail.

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Vikram Singh

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