GK Tricks - How to Prepare GK Section for Competitive Exams

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gk tricks how to prepare gk section

Hello Friends,

It is the high time for the candidates who are looking after every opportunity to grab a Government Job, due to the competition rate, of course. The situation in every government exam like SSC, banking, railway, IBPS, etc. has reached to the level where thousands of students are standing behind a single-seat, on an average. However, the worse is yet to come.  In this case, you should have to know GK tricks that how you can cover the GK section easily.

How to Secure Marks in a Competitive Examination?

In the examination hall, maybe you would know all the answers but at that moment, time will beat you. To solve every problem, you will need time and that is the most precious thing you lack. You would be wondering that what is the ultimate solution then? Well, all you have to do is to sync with other subjects. 

Numerical aptitude and reasoning-ability are time-consuming subjects yet most dependable ones to secure marks. On the other hand, the whole general-knowledge section can be attempted within 15 minutes but almost every candidate (literally!!) struggles in this subject. It is quite normal to be baffled by the vastness of the subject.

  • If you are oblivious to the Indian & World GK then the best way is to cover the common topics at least.
  • After mastering over the GK section, you won’t regret if you have to leave some of the maths & reasoning questions due to time-limits.
  • If you have done well in general awareness part then the chances are high for you to get shortlisted, assuming the fact that you are excellent in other subjects.

Why GK Section Holds So Much Importance?

General awareness part of the question paper contains question basically from General Science, Current Affairs, Indian/ World History, Geography, Economics and Polity. Let’s have a glace on the facts which makes it an important subject-

  • It holds about 1/4th marks weightage of the question paper hence cannot be neglected. 
  • The positive point is that this subject has the potential to make the students score high, that too with 100% accuracy.
  • Not to mention that it is highly time-efficient.
  • Also, it is placed under most scoring subjects.

How to Cover the GK section for SSC, Railway & Banking Exams?

Despite the positive facts about general-knowledge, students find it the least approachable subject mostly due to its unlimited-kind of the syllabus. They even find it impossible to cover it whole. Well, one can never grasp the entire GK syllabus because it goes to infinite.

The only way to learn is to start it from somewhere, either you can begin with the Current Affairs or with ‘Who is first’ part. You cannot master it in a day or two but your consistent efforts for a few months will show the fruitful results. Below are mentioned the most efficient ways to learn the GK part-

  • You better start reading the newspaper for daily current affairs from this very moment to improve your GK.
  • Start solving previous years’ question papers of the respective exams as many as you can.
  • Before start, you have to complete knowledge about the GK section including its topics. Click on GK section to prepare topic-wise.
  • Make a perfect schedule to prepare for the exam, starting your day with solving at least one Mock Test Paper from our website.
  • You can make charts about Indian ministry, important dates, dynasties, dams & rivers, awards, etc. and hang them in your room, this practice will help you learn quickly.
  • Note down all the important events or points from the newspaper to get a quick glance before the exam.


In order to get the expected outcomes, you need to stay focused on your goal. Remember, besides a perfect strategy, only your dedication & devotion can get you the success. 

Check out our Examsbook website to practice Daily Current Affairs Questions, Quiz, and Mock test papers. For further queries, you can comment us in the below-provided box and we will help you in every possible way.

All the Best!!

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