IBPS Clerk Exam | Latest & Detailed Syllabus

Dear Candidates,
Getting a better understanding of the examination you are fighting for, is the key to succeed in it. Knowing the detailed syllabus will help you in understanding and preparing for each subject and you will be able to make a full-proof plan for your preparation.
In the same series, learning about the Syllabus is the first step to qualify the IBPS Clerk exam. You must know that the IBPS Clerk Exam Syllabus has been same for a long time but the type of questions asked changes every year. Let’s get the insights about the Syllabus-
IBPS Clerk Exam Latest Syllabus
Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) conducts several examinations every year under various recruitment programs. The IBPS Clerk Exam is the most sought exam across the country which leads to stiff competition among the candidates. Every year the level of examination is increasing, efforts are being made to make the questions more complicated.
The IBPS Clerk Selection Process has been divided into two parts-
- Preliminary Exam
- Mains Exams
The syllabus and difficulty level of the prelims and mains exam is different.
IBPS Clerk Prelims Syllabus
The IBPS Clerk Prelims exam has three sections in the English Language, Logical Aptitude and Numerical Aptitude. The sections included in the syllabus of prelims exam are as follows -
Subject |
Syllabus |
General English |
Reading Comprehension, Fillers (Double Fillers, Multiple Sentence Fillers, Sentence Fillers), New Pattern Close Test, Phrase Replacement, Odd Sentence Out Cum Para Jumbles, Entrance, Sentence Completion, Connectors, Paragraph Findings, Verb Questions, Error Detection Questions, Word usage/Vocab based questions. |
Reasoning Ability |
Puzzles, Seating Arrangement, Guidelines, Blood Relations, Justice, Order and Ranking, Coding-Decoding, Machine Input-output, Inequality, Alpha-Numerical-Symbol Series, Data Sufficiency, Alphabet Related Questions. |
Quantitative Aptitude |
Data Efficiency, Quantitative Aptitude, Data Analysis or DI (Bar Graph, Line Chart, Tabular, Caselets, Radar/ Web, Pie Chart), Inequality (Quadratic Equations), Number Series, Estimation and Generalization, Data Adequacy, Miscellaneous Arithmetic Problems ( HCF and LCM, Profit and Loss, SI and CI, Epoch Problem, Work and Time, Speed-Distance and Time, Probability, Scope, Permutation and Combination, Average, Ratio and Progress, Participation, Boat and Stream Related Problems, Trains Problem, Mixing And Charges, Pipes And Tanks. |
IBPS Clerk Mains Syllabus
The syllabus sections for IBPS Clerk Prelims and Mains are the same, however, the difficulty level of the questions varies. Another topic has been added as General Awareness in Mains exam. The sections included in the syllabus of Mains exam are as follows:
Subjects |
Syllabus |
General English |
Reading Comprehension, Fillers (Double Fillers, Multiple Sentence Fillers, Sentence Fillers), New Pattern Close Test, Phrase Replacement, Odd Sentence Out, Para Jumbles, Entrance, Sentence Completion, Connectors, Paragraph Findings, Futsal Verb Questions, Error Detection, Word Usage/Vocab based questions. |
Reasoning |
Puzzles, Seating Arrangement, Syllogism, Blood Relations, Justice Questions, Order and Ranking, Coding-Decoding, Machine Input-Output, Inequality, Alpha-Numerical-Symbol Series, Data Efficiency, Alphabet Related Questions, Logical Reasoning. |
Computer Aptitude |
Computer History and Development, Introduction to Computer Organization, Computer Memory, Computer Hardware and I / O Devices, Computer Software, Computer Language, Computer Systems, Computer Network Hundred, Internet, MS Office Suite and Short Cut Keys, Basic of DBMS, Number Systems and Conversion, Computer and Network Security. |
Numerical Aptitude |
Data Efficiency, Quantitative Aptitude, Data Analysis or DI (Bar Graph, Line Chart, Tabular, Caselets, Radar/ Web, Pie Chart), Inequality (Quadratic Equations), Number Series, Estimation and Generalization, Data Adequacy, Miscellaneous Arithmetic Problems ( HCF and LCM, Profit and Loss, SI and CI, Epoch Problem, Work and Time, Speed-Distance and Time, Probability, Scope, Permutation and Combination, Average, Ratio and Progress, Participation, Boat and Stream Related Problems, Trains Problem, Mixing And Charges, Pipes and Tanks. |
General/ Financial Awareness |
Banking and Insurance Awareness, Financial Awareness, Government Scheme and Policy, Current Affairs, Static Awareness. |
Conclusion -
The first step towards any examination is to understand its detailed syllabus. As we all know that the syllabus for IBPS Clerk Exam is quite huge and at the same time, the level of questions in this exam is complex.
For any queries regarding the IBPS Clerk Exam Syllabus, you can ask us in the comment box.
Thanks for reading this article.
All the Best!!