Inequality Questions in Reasoning for Bank Po

Vikram Singh5 years ago 28.2K Views Join Examsbookapp store google play
inequality questions in reasoning

As you know, the reasoning section is getting tough now than before in the competitive exams. To keep in mind same thing, here I am providing you inequality questions in reasoning for bank PO and other competitive exams. You just need to decode the inequality code by using given different symbols in these questions. You can easily bring good marks on this topic by practice these important questions. These types of questions are asked in different exams like bank PO, ibps clerk, sbi, etc.

Inequality Reasoning Questions with Answers

Directions (1-3): In these questions, relationship between different elements is shown. They are followed by two conclusions.

Q.1. Statement: 



(a) X>B

(b) Z>C

(A) b follows

(B) a follows

(C) Neither a nor b follows

(D) Both a and b follows

(E) Either a or b follows

Ans .   C



Conclusions :

(a) F>B

(b) D<A

(A) Both a and b follows

(B) b follows

(C) Neither a nor b follows

(D) Either a or b follows

(E) a follows

Ans .   E




(a) M>Q

(b) O>R

(A) b follows

(B) a follows

(C) Neither a nor b follows

(D) Both a and b follows

(E) Either a or b follows

Ans .   A

Direction (4-9): Relationship between different elements is shown in the statements. Find if the conclusions also follow or not.  

Q.4. Statements: 

F ≥ V = T ≥ G < L ≤ D = S; E = Q < T ≤ N; Q > P = W


I. D > N

II. F > W

(A) Both I And II Follow

(B) Only I Follow

(C) Either I Or II Follows

(D) Only II Follows

(E) Neither I Nor II Follow

Ans .   D

Q.5. Statements: 

H ≥ O = U ≥ B < L = P; D < N = B ≥ S > K


I. K < L

II. H ≥ K

(A) Both I And II Follow

(B) Only II Follows

(C) Only I Follows

(D) Either I Or II Follows   

(E) Neither I Nor II Follow

Ans .   C

Q.6. Statements: 

H > L = G ≥ S < L ≤ W; S > W > P = R ≤ V; P < X = O


I. W > R

II. O > R

(A) Only II Follows

(B) Only I Follows

(C) Both I And II Follow

(D) Either I Or II Follows

(E) Neither I Nor II Follow

Ans .   C

Q.7. Statements: 

B < N = T ≥ G > H = F;   G > L = D > V; L > W = A


I. A < H

II. V < B

(A) Only II Follows

(B) Only I Follows

(C) Both I And II Follow

(D) Either I Or II Follows

(E) Neither I Nor II Follow

Ans .   E

Q.8. Statements: 

V < E = D = W ≥ L; F ≥ S = D < K; L ≥ R = H ≥ B


I. B < S

II. B = S

(A) only II follows

(B) only I follows

(C) both I and II follow

(D) either I or II follows

(E) neither I nor II follow

Ans .   D

Q.9. Statements: 

N > D ≥ F > J; E < L ≤ G < S < P < F; G > W


I. W < J

II. J ≤ W

(A) Only II Follows

(B) Only I Follows

(C) Both I And II Follow

(D) Either I Or II Follows

(E) Neither I Nor II Follow

Ans .   D

If you have any doubt or want to ask something regarding inequality questions in reasoning, you can ask me in the comment section without any hesitation. Go to the next page for more practice.

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    Vikram Singh

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